- Looking at the effect of light within an object projecting out, and a different light on to the object
- Look at the effect on different textured objects
- Contrasting lines - straight vs. curvy
- Look at the effect of light on an actual source of light eg. Lamp
- Manipulation
- make it look not like a lamp but still capture its function of producing light
- Aspect of irony = play with how we can easily recognise a lamp or the source of light and the way it looks. I could use another source of light to change te way we recognise a lamp.
- Focus on the shadows produced from the objects eg. Lamps. The shadows from different varying shapes of lamps will re-structure the way we see the recogniseable representation of a lamp.

- A loss of detail can be the result of the light shining out of the object
- Show a 'before' and 'after' of natural pieces of the environment that we all can recognise eg. flowers, leaves, plants etc.
- The shapes that are produced when light is placed in the object or on it can become more of the focus than the object itself. How does light change our perception of the object through where it guides our focus on the object. ( plus on how things look differently between night and day because of the use of unnatural light)
- Light only reveals certain aspects of the object - masking the functionality. Making the point that without the point of function the object might become unrecogniseable.
- Use of greyscale to show the focusses easily, light is represented easily by the colour white, where the light is coming from, highlight or take away detail
- What happens to light in the presence of other sources of light.
- The effect of night and street lamps
- Mask out what is light, and keep the figures of what is blocking it
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